Do you play football? Or are you involved in related activities? Football injuries are common in Australia. For this reason, you need to learn basic Sports First Aid.
The Love for Australian Football
Football is one of the biggest participation sports in Australia, and inevitably hundreds of footballers suffer some kind of injury each week. Australian rules football is a physical contact sport that can result in injuries from tackling, kicking, running, handballing, marking, and constant physical competition.
Common causes of football injuries are being tackled, collisions with other players, being hit by the ball, and falls. Being physically prepared and using the right techniques can help prevent injury.
Here’s a guide to the basic things you need to know to treat minor football injuries, plus a run-down of the first aid tips and tricks.
Bruises are easily the most common injury suffered in football. With constant physical contact from helmets, knees, shoulders, and sometimes shoes, every football player is bound to walk off the field with at least one bruise.
These bruises, a grisly discolouration of the skin, are also known as hematoma or contusions.
Proper care is essential to avoid infection or other complications when treating bleeding cuts. Wash and dry your hands, cover any cuts on your own hands, and put on disposable gloves before treating the injury.
Muscle and joint injuries (e.g. strains and sprains)
Football’s strenuous and fast-paced nature makes ankle sprains one of the most common football injuries. A football player typically suffers from an ankle sprain as a direct result of a tackle, while other causes include running, jumping, or falling.
In the case of a muscle or joint injury, use the RICE protocol to minimise the effects of the injury.
R.I.C.E. is an acronym for the most important elements of first aid for many injuries. R is for Rest, I for ice, C for Compression, and E is to elevate.
Treat injuries with a First Aid Kit
Hopefully, your sports first aid kits will not see much action through the season, but if a situation ever arises where one is needed, being prepared will come in handy. Being able to treat a player immediately is vital to ensure the best outcome from injury. Having a fully stocked first aid kit will help the team first aider safely treat minor injuries effectively, and this helps to minimise the effects of an injury.
A Football First aid kits are a must-have in every game.
Fortunately, the most common football injuries like bruises, sprains, and strains are not particularly serious. Severe injuries are rare, but it is critical to know how to recognise such injuries so you can act appropriately. For this reason, there is no substitute for proper First Aid Training. Training courses in sports first aid are widely available.
Waiting until an injury occurs on the pitch is not the best time to discover you don’t have all the first aid items you need, so it’s important to be prepared with the right kit. The coach, or those responsible for the provision of first aid, should routinely inspect the first aid kits to ensure that they are on full stock.