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Top 5 Reasons You Need AED Training

AED Training

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In the event of a sudden cardiac arrest, having the right AED training may mean the difference between life and death. The use of AED or defibrillation is the first line of defence in responding to these emergencies until medical help arrives and takes over the victim.

If you have not undergone CPR and AED training before, read on as we explain why you should need one.

The Importance Of AED Use

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is one of Australia’s leading causes of death, with tens of thousands of deaths occurring outside a hospital. Bystanders have an important role in improving chances of survival, whether in a public space or workplace setting.

An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a portable device used to assess the patient’s heart rhythm in a cardiac emergency. The device will determine if defibrillation is necessary, and then the AED will administer the appropriate level of shock.

AEDs are easy to use for people with basic training as audio and visual prompts guide you throughout the process.

Having an AED in place provides initial treatment until medical help can take over and provide more advanced treatment. Take note that every minute counts in a cardiac arrest, and any delay in first aid intervention can decrease the chances of survival.

Although they are designed for anyone to use, proper training is vital to understand each step in the defibrillation process.

5 Reasons To Get AED Training

Here are the top five reasons to enrol in an AED course.

1. Save Lives

SCA affects people of all ages, regardless of health status, nationality, and gender. There is a high chance you may need to perform CPR and use an AED at least once in your life to save lives.

Take into account the fact that over 80% of cardiac arrest cases occur at home. Knowing these interventions through CPR and AED training can save the lives of a loved one or a close friend.

2. Time Is Critical

Each minute matter is a cardiac emergency, and it may take several minutes after calling 000 for EMS to arrive. Vital body organs can only survive for approximately five minutes without oxygen.

Performance of chest compressions and rescue breathing can buy valuable minutes for emergency services to arrive. All these can make a difference in the outcome.

3. Easy To Use

AEDs are designed for use by inexperienced bystanders, so even non-medical personnel can operate the device accurately. The models may vary depending on the manufacturer, but most have a similar appearance. The user will only need to follow easy instructions and prompts from the device.

However, as simple as AEDs are to use, it is highly recommended to get CPR and AED training. Completing a course can help provide defibrillation quickly, with all the skills, knowledge, and confidence the training offers.

4. Understand The Difference Between SCA And Heart Attack

A sudden cardiac arrest is not the same as a heart attack, contrary to what many people think.

A heart attack occurs when the blood flow to the heart is cut off, resulting in oxygen-rich blood not reaching vital body organs. Although the symptoms may be sudden and severe, they can develop slowly and last long before the attack.

On the other hand, sudden cardiac arrest occurs when the heart suddenly stops beating, often without warning. It can strike at any age at any time, and the victims are often unconscious.

Getting CPR and AED training will help you differentiate an SCA from a heart attack.

5. Proper Training Is Vital

Without formal training, you may not know how to use an AED device correctly, and improper use can have adverse consequences.

CPR and AED training will give you the confidence to act and reduces the chance of causing harm.

Get Trained

It is worth noting that many lives could be saved by knowing when and how to use an AED.

Enrol in a first aid and CPR course today!

At First Aid Tasmania, it is our goal to help ensure businesses and individuals become prepared and ready to act in case of emergencies. Call us at (08) 7120 2570 or send an email to

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