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Holiday Safety Tips: How To Prevent Travel Injuries During Holidays?

Holiday Safety Tips

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Anyone who attempts to travel during the holiday season is familiar with how crazy the process can be but luckily there are holiday safety tips that gives you knowledge on how to prevent travel injuries during this festive period.

Holiday Travel Risks

Christmas and New Year celebration are filled with excitement and festivities. Family members, friends, even workplace colleagues might plan fun and memorable getaway. Unfortunately, travelling during holidays can also bring an increase in injuries and accidents.

Travelling during holidays will require deviating from our normal everyday routine, which can result in numerous risks.

Here are some important holiday travel risks to consider before taking the roads.

Weather Conditions

Whether it is flood water, trees down, or bushfires, any unpredictable weather condition can be a travel risks and has a potential to delay transportation.

To avoid such circumstance, be sure to check the weather forecast in the location you are planning to visit before taking to the roads.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a contributing factor in 22% of car accidents and an alarming 71% of truck accidents. It becomes one of the increasing dangerous causes of accident during the holidays where people are travelling from one place to another.

Anything that takes your focus away from driving is a distraction including the use of mobile phones, eating while driving, using a navigation system, and many more.

Driving Under The Influence (DUI)

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is one of the top causes of death in the roadways, not only during holidays but also throughout the year. Drunk driving can slow down your vision, hearing, movement, reaction time, and can impair your judgement of speed and distance.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide poisoning is a real risk all-year long, but the incident reports are higher during the holiday season. Many people unintentionally put their health at risk by inhaling carbon monoxide fumes, which prevents the body from using oxygen properly.

Food Poisoning

Good food is a staple during holiday celebration. However, there is a risk of food poisoning and stomachaches through contaminated food and water, which most often due to cross-contamination, inadequate cooking, or improper hygiene.

Outdoor Injuries

Over 4,000 Australians die or suffer from severe injury whilst on holidays every year. With the number of holiday-goers who are arriving home or heading off outdoors on a well-deserved holiday, it is no surprise that there is a high risk of accidents and injuries during this time. 

 Some of the most common injuries that occur during holiday season are falls, drowning, burns, or scalds.

5 Safety Tips To Avoid Travel Injuries

If you have plans to head out this holiday period, here are some tips to avoid accidents and injuries.

1. Plan And Prepare

Before hitting the road, check to make sure the car is in good shape and ensure that the tires are properly inflated. If it has been a while since you did a road trip, it is best to get a tune up. Pack an emergency kit in case you run into any problems while on the road.

Plan your trip properly by knowing different routes and checking for traffic, road closures, and road work. Try to avoid those routes and allot time to stop for breaks, gas, and snacks. Taking breaks from long driving helps your avoid rage and fatigue from driving.

Prior to travel, prepare your body by engaging with an exercise or health program to improve your strength and flexibility. These exercises should focus on certain body areas such as knees, legs, shoulders, lower back, and core.

2. Get Enough Sleep

Fatigue driving is one of the key causes of road accidents in Australia. At this time of the year, many people are busy travelling, which means then are less rested.

Get enough sleep and take necessary breaks to stay alert during your trip.

3. Make Food Safety A Priority

The best way to keep safe from food illnesses while traveling to maintain healthy personal hygiene by washing your hands thoroughly with soap and clean water. Do this before eating or preparing the food.

For more food safety practices, read here.

4. Practice Outdoor Safety

To keep safe while spending time outdoors, wear comfortable shoes and sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun. Drink plenty of water, especially if you are doing activities outdoors such as camping, hiking, and bushwalking. Bring a first aid kit with you for unexpected emergencies.

5. Avoid Drunk Driving

Since alcoholic drinks may be served at many holiday celebrations, it pays to be prepared in case you consume too much alcohol. Avoid drunk driving by booking a hotel nearby, or have someone drive for you.

First Aid For Road Accident Victims

Transport injuries and road accidents caused thousands of deaths and hospitalization cases in Australia, according to reports from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

The road incident are particularly high during the holidays, where people are traveling to visit their families or go into vacation spots. Because accidents are often unpredictable and unavoidable, be well informed about how to provide first aid help in road traffic accidents.

Call Emergency Services

If there is a road accidents that involves one or multiple casualties, call the ambulance and wait for medical help. While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, consider helping others, especially if you are trained in providing first aid and CPR.

Identify Serious Injuries

Check the casualties and start identifying any signs of severe injuries such as bleeding from head, nose, legs, and other organs. Check if they are unresponsive or have trouble breathing.

Check For Consciousness

Check the pulse to see whether the person is responsive. If conscious, talk to the person and keep them comfortable until medical help arrive.

If the person has trouble breathing, check whether something is blocking the airway.

Perform CPR

If the person is not breathing or experiencing difficulty having one, begin CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation).

CPR is an effective first aid treatment in the event of cardiac arrest or heart failure in a road accidents. To know more about CPR steps, enrol in a first aid and CPR course.

Stop The Bleeding

Excessive bleeding in the head or mouth following a road accident could be a sign of danger. Look for available first aid kit nearby and try to stop the bleeding by applying pressure and applying bandage dressing to the wound.

Safe Travels During The Holidays

Holidays travels often includes visiting families and friends or taking a well-deserved vacation. Whether you are heading to the beach or attending a BBQ party with friends, follow these safety tips for healthy and safe holiday travel season.

The overall takeaway from this blog is: be responsible, be informed, and learn first aid. Planning and preparing can go a long way in keeping you and your family safe during holidays.

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